This Drowning Man

Big Faint Lane – How it all began

Frank and Veiko had known each other since early childhood when they crossed paths again in Hamburg in 2004. Since they were both enthusiastic about tennis, they met regularly to play together. They quickly realized that they shared another passion – music. From then on they not only met to play tennis, but also to record music together. Unsatisfied with their own singing performances, Veiko played the recordings to his friend Roland, who immediately began to sing over it. Instandly it was obvious that they had found another comrade in arms who was enthusiastic about the common cause. The three of them set to work to complete the album that was released in 2007 entitled BIG FAINT LANE.

THIS DROWNING MAN 2010 (left to right): Veiko Tüllmann, Jürgen Hardt, Alexander von Falkenhausen, Roland Klein, Frank Haehnelt Kuhn.

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